Guy Verhofstadt: Europe and US Must Start Dialogue with Iranian Opposition
Brussels Morning: Iran’s Execution Crisis: UNSpecial Rapporteur’s Report Traces the Roots Back to 1988 Genocide
Doorbraak: De illusie van hervorming in Iran zal niemand misleiden
The Illusion of Reformism in Iran Won’t Deceive Anyone
Brussels Morning: One hundred Belgian Parliamentarians express outrage at the surge in executions in Iran, declaring support for Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-point plan for a democratic Iran
Doorbraak: Teheran is de kop van de slang
The Iranian Regime’s Warmongering and the Path to Change
EU Reporter: Appeasement policy costs lives
Brussels Times: Iran protest calls on EU to designate Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organisation
Le Soir: Un ex-otage libéré grâce à la Belgique : « Je me suis senti coupable en apprenant l’échange » contre Assadi
La Libre: Un document iranien piraté révèle les dessous de l'affaire Assadi, Olivier Vandecasteele comme "monnaie d'échange"
De Morgen: ‘Eerst deal gevangenenruil, daarna pas arrestatie Vandecasteele’: Iraanse oppositie lekt geheime documenten
De Wereld Morgen: Iraanse nep-opposities in het buitenland zijn geen alternatief voor de mullahs
De Wereld Morgen: Wat is het doel van de verplichte Hijab-regel en het vergiftigen van schoolmeisjes in Iran?
L-Post: La contestation du pouvoir en Iran est loin d’être un mouvement spontané
Table Europe: What's cooking in Brussels? Iranian hour in the European Parliament
EU Reporter: 100 MEPs, including 14 former ministers, urge EU and member states to recognize the 1988 massacre in Iran as genocide and adopt a firm policy on nuclear negotiations
EU Reporter:Iran: Call for justice
EU Reporter: Does EU sacrifice its values of human rights and democracy to negotiate with the new government in Iran?
Brussels Times: Iran Nuclear Deal: The EU and US are betting on a dead horse
EU Reporter:EU cannot jeopardize its security for vague US policy towards Iran
Doorbraak: Iran geen betrouwbare gesprekspartner
EU Reporter: How effectively Western countries can return to Iran deal after Trump administration
EU Reporter: 250 lawmakers: ‘Listen to the voice of Iranian people’
EU Reporter: Death is ‘Ayatollah’s trade’
EU Reporter: Belgium in the front line to reconstruct foreign policy of EU