Iranian Community in Belgium

Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians and Mayors Condemns the Execution of Iranian Wrestlers, Navid Afkari

Regarding: We Condemn Inhuman Execution of Iranian Sports Personality – Navid Afkari
Madam, Sir, dear colleagues,
“The Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians and Burgomasters for a Democratic Iran” wishes to draw your attention to a firm condemnation of executions in Iran. We strongly condemn the execution of Navid Afkari in Iran. The religious dictatorship has engaged in a new crime by executing Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari.

This execution sparked outrage from the international community. Several organizations, such as Amnesty International as well as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and FIFA, had called on Iran not to execute the young wrestler.

The Iranian Islamic state of Ayatollahs announced on Saturday that it had executed the young wrestler, Navid Afkari, sentenced to death, according to the state television website and his lawyer, on the basis of a false accusation. The sentence was carried out on Saturday, Sept. 12, 20, in a prison in Shiraz, said Kazem Mousavi, attorney general of Fars province.

It is once again a difficult time for the Iranian people. We hereby express our condolences to the families victims of this violence by the Islamic State of Iran and in particular to the AFKARI family.

The Belgian government, the Flemish and Walloon governments, and the EU must take effective action against the regime in Iran. The silence and inaction of the world in front of the crimes of regime in Iran, are interpreted by the mullahs as a green light.
Thank you for your understanding, please accept my best regards, Madam/Sir.

Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians and Burgomasters for a Democratic Iran

Dirk Claes, Chairman of the committee
Senator and Honorary Alderman, Pierre Galand, Honorary Senator and President of OMCT Europe
Serge De Patoul, Deputy and Honorary Alderman