Iranian Opposition rally in Brussels as Iranian regime breached all its commitments under JCPOA

Today, 17 April 2021, supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran – NCRI, rallied in Schuman square to call EU to take a firm policy towards Iranian regime. Almost 50 Iranian dissidents called EU to stop appeasement and keep the Iranian regime into account regarding its nuclear program. They say Iranian regime has breached all its commitments under JCPOA and it has no intention to obey International regulation. Iranians carry the pictures of Maryam Rajavi, president elect of the NCRI, and they believe Iranian regime has never given in to acquire the nuclear weapon.

In an attempt to blackmail the international community Iran has begin enriching uranium up to 60% purity. Another 1,000 centrifuges with 50% more capacity will be added to the existing machines in Natanz, in addition to replacing the damaged machines. By enriching uranium to 60 percent purity and increasing the number of centrifuges, the mullahs’ regime aims to blackmail the international community and extract more concessions in the ongoing negotiations. These make it noticibly clear that the regime has never abandoned the project to build a nuclear bomb.

Last year on June 20, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), stated: “The policies and actions of the mullahs’ regime, five years after the nuclear deal with the P5 + 1 countries, leave no doubt that this regime has never given up the project to acquire an atomic bomb and continues the deception and concealment. The regime uses all the facilities and concessions that the nuclear deal has given to pursue terrorism, foreign warfare, and domestic repression.”

Therefore, adopting a decisive policy vis-à-vis the ruling theocracy and the reinstatement of six UN Security Council Resolutions, a complete halt to enrichment, shutting down its nuclear sites, and anytime, anywhere inspections are imperative to preventing the religious fascism from obtaining nuclear weapons.

 – European Press Agency photographer were present and reported this event on EPA website

 – Belga News Agency reported this event as well