Brussels: 60th Anniversary of PMOI

Iranian community in Belgium celebrates the beginning of the 60th year of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). In its six-decade history, the PMOI has undergone many trials and tribulations and transformed from a small group to a nationwide and worldwide movement. However, the one thing that has remained consistent throughout this period is loyalty to the cause and infinite sacrifice from PMOI members of all ranks.

As they have proven time and again, the PMOI’s loyalty is only to the people of Iran and the cause they fight for is freedom. Freedom from oppression, discrimination, inequality, and exploitation. Freedom in all its individual and social aspects; including freedom of thought and expression, freedom of assembly, and the rejection of all forms of ethnic, religious, class, and gender inequality.

over the past six decades, the PMOI has demonstrated that in defending freedom and democracy—meaning the sovereignty of the people as the most fundamental right of the populace and the guarantee of Iran’s independence and progress—they have never compromised with either the Shah or the mullahs’ dictatorships. They have paid the price for this with all its gravity. As PMOI Secretary General Zahra Merrikhi said, “Taking a stand and resisting at any cost has become synonymous with the PMOI.”